Bryan's attempts to find love in a marriage that had completely fallen apart after a length of 12 years came to an end when his wife left him with 2 children and a mortgage he could not afford. The struggle was over and a new life was about to begin.
With much effort, Bryan pulled himself together and began his new life as a single father. Not knowing what the future held, Bryan began to seek out new friends online via social networking sites.
One evening as Bryan showed a website to his neighbor who was married to a woman from Russia, they both decided to search through numerous profiles all over the large country of Russia. The name of the website was Badoo.
The list of profiles seemed endless, filled with empty words and photos of women that were probably exaggerations at best. Suddenly Bryan stopped on one profile and all time seemed to stop as he gazed on the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
The profile was in Russian and Bryan was able to use an online translation tool to translate the profile. Very little information was included in the profile. Only brief information about her employment along with the region she lived in Russia. Her name was Anna.

The message was brief and Bryan typed "Privet Anna!".
Without another thought he submitted the message into the universe of possibility.
Click here to read Anna's Response
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