Thursday, September 8, 2016

Little house on the prairie 200 years later

On our way back home from Garden Valley, Shaun and I drove through Placerville and we were able to explore some old cabins. One I believe was one of Packer John's old cabins and it was almost completely gone and the other was an old cabin that looked like it could have been an old family cabin in the 1800's. It was still in rather good condition considering the age.

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Spirit of Boise-Balloon Chasing

This morning I woke up early so I could see the Balloons launching over Ann Morrison Park. I arrived a bit late but was able to record a lot of good video on both my cameras including balloon chasers and one balloon almost became  tangled up in a tree. Unfortunately I haven't had time to edit the other video yet. I will upload it after I am done editing the new video I took this evening. It is a video of a man confessing to multiple crimes to me while my camera sat on top of my car recording the whole event. That one will be coming soon.