Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sea Lions hanging out on a beach in San Diego

When I went to San Diego, my brother took me to a beach and I was able to get some video of some sea lions hanging out on a beach.


#WhoIsBryguy1955 #HelloAnna #Shield5 #Shield4 #ShieldFive #ShieldFour

A concerned motorist confronts a pedestrian dressed in black during the ...

During my drive into work in the morning I saw a pedestrian walking down the wrong side of the road with traffic coming up on his back.

He was dressed completely from head to toe in Black.

I have seen the same man the past 2 days along the same stretch of road dressed in similar dark clothing.

I was concerned for his safety so I decided to pull over and give him a bright orange traffic cone that I had in my trunk so that at least it could increase his chances of being visible to traffic coming up behind him.

I hope he decides to dress in some brighter clothes next time he decides to walk along a busy road like Chinden during rush hour no less.

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